Sir William Stanley

It was Sir William Stanley’s military record that acquired for him the favour of Richard III, who gave him rank and land, including Hunsdon.  He had fought for the Yorkists at Blore Heath (1459) and Towton (1461) and it was he who successfully captured the Queen, Margaret of Anjou, following the Battle of Tewksbury in 1471.  She was a powerful political force, having ruled in place of her husband, Henry VI, when he was indisposed by insanity.[1]

However, Stanley changed sides, and is best known for his accomplishments supporting the House of Lancaster at the Battle of Bosworth which saw Richard III defeated (and killed) and Henry Tudor assume the throne (as Henry VII).  Like Richard before him, Henry rewarded Stanley for his efforts – by appointing him Lord Chamberlain and Chamberlain of the Exchequer.[2]


[1] accessed 22nd August 2024

[2] Apart from information about Margaret of Anjou, all else sourced from – accessed 22nd August 2024